Justice_Lady Guardians Page 6
Eva looked me square in the eye and did not falter. Oh, hell, she was the total package. Without knowing it, I was in her space, and the back of my hand was moving the loose strands of hair from her cheek.
“You’re irresistible,” I told her in a low voice. “Will you at least admit, you like me a little?”
I was pushing it, but since she was here on a truth mission, I would take it.
Those big brown eyes moved to the side, then Eva quickly put them back on me.
“I do,” she conceded and continued to stare.
My head nodded to acknowledge her answer. Then, like the man I am, I kept pushing.
“Will you be woman enough to admit, you’ve thought about me making each and every toe of yours curl?” I asked with my nose a hairline away from hers.
We were so close, our lips brushed against each other.
The vixen scoffed before saying, “I thought about it, but I hate to burst your bubble, but my toes don’t curl. So, yeah.”
Then those hands lifted and connected with my chest, effectively pushing me away from her. Quick on the movement, I grabbed her by the wrist to bring her into me, so that we were back where we started.
“Says who?” I asked her, before nipping her ear. “You haven’t even given me a chance.”
“Told you, Alaric,” Eva said with a breathless exhale. “I don’t shit where I eat.”
“I’ll get off the project, then,” I found myself saying. “I’ll oversee it externally.”
“What?!?” she exclaimed. “This is your baby. What you wanted and brought with my company. You can’t be off of it. They’ll get suspicious, and it wouldn’t be good for the marketing. You’re the face of the D.A.’s office, right now.”
My eyebrow rose, as she simply understood, both the political and social capital that came with this type of deal. The women I used to deal with didn’t understand shit. They just wanted to be with the hotshot attorney who was always on TV. They didn’t give a fuck who I was fighting for, what I was arguing or who I represented. It could have been the Don that killed one of their family members, and I doubt they would have known. Sad to say, but that is how much these women were in tune with life, especially mine. Yet, here was this other woman, a fucking goddess from heaven, who is completely connected and understands it already.
“Look, I respect your rule. Swear, that I do. However, counselor, you’re missing one thing. I don’t work where you work. There is a technicality here that has had many verdicts overruled. I’m just the lawyer here, and I’m telling you that your argument won’t stand up in court.”
“Counselor,” she said with a boatload of sass. “Not only will it stand up in court, but I would also have precedence because…”
“Fuck, the precedence,” I cut her off and moved an inch, so my lips took hers.
I had e-fucking-nough, and all I wanted was her. That body pressed against mine so she could feel what she did to me. My hand gripped her long hair, so I could pull and have her right where I wanted it. She was delicious, and that was just her mouth.
Eva's hands found my hair, where her nails began to claw at my scalp.
“Fuck,” I growled, as I nipped her lip and then her neck.
She let out a low moan, which was music to my ears, but also reminded me that we were not alone. I stopped my frantic grappling and tasting everything on her body and lifted my head so I could be somewhat away from her enticing body.
“Woman,” I exhaled. “Tonight, I’m picking you up. We’re going to have dinner, and then you’re coming back to my place.”
I left no room for bargaining, questions or even a rebuttal.
“You’re not shitting where you eat, believe me. I see enough people do it. I’ll be out of your hair in six months, and you can make this program what it needs to be. I meant it, we can work away if you think it will compromise your work, but I’m not fucking around with you Eva. I want you, and I’m going to have you and not once either. Get that through your legal mind, okay. You want me too, so while you’re coming to apologize and claiming to be woman enough to do so. Then, do us both a favor and if not to me, at least to yourself, admit that you want me too.”
Then I moved into her, one last time, kissed those beautiful fucking lips and opened my door, so the scavengers wouldn’t talk too much.
One of her eyebrows was raised in pure defiance, but I crossed my arms in equal measure.
“Yes,” I called.
“You think you’re the shit, don’t you?” She said with a wily smirk. “Just think you’re going to tell me what is and isn’t.”
“I did,” my head nodded towards her. “See you tonight, sweetheart.”
Instead of responding, she lifted her middle finger and jabbed it towards me. This caused me to burst out laughing because, well, that was funny as shit.
“Don’t worry, tonight, we’ll handle all of that.” I shared.
“Humph,” she scoffed, then holstered her bag over one shoulder and turned to yell back. “Fix your makeup.”
Then she walked off.
Fix my makeup?
Fuck, I had lipsticks probably all over my mouth. This caused me to bust out laughing again, and in true Eva fashion, she threw up her middle finger at me again as she kept walking out of the office. Little snickers from the natives grew louder, but fuck them. I was claiming Eva Justice Wyatt, and nobody was going to stop me.
After running all over Reading, gathering documentation, being in court and only have one of my clients not show up, I ended up back at the office at seven o’clock. I never told Eva what time I was taking her to dinner, but time was of the essence, so I shot over to her place. Well, after I had a friend pull her address from her DMV records. The lights in her house were off, but her truck was outside of the garage.
Therefore, I made my way over to the club’s compound. Sure enough, I saw her Harley Sportster with her colors, as she called them, painted in a colorful ensemble of pink, white and steel grey. All of the bikes had this, but I knew that 883 was hers.
The times I had been here before, the ladies never let me inside. If that were the case, I would wait until she decided to leave and deal with whatever happened. It was eight o’clock, but what the hell.
Banging on the door, several times, finally a tall woman swung it open.
“Hey, how can I help you?” She asked.
Her voice didn’t match her demeanor, as her torn jeans and loose-fitting shirt, made her look rough around the edges, but that light voice was almost child-like.
“Here for Eva, I mean Justice. Taking her to dinner, she’s expecting me.” I smiled at the woman.
“Ohhh, you’re the D.A., who’s been stalking her, but now you are dating?” She let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, come on in. I heard what you did at the school. That’s hilarious. Justice does not like shit like that. How’d you get her to bend?”
“Oh really,” I played along. “Eva told you she didn’t like something?”
“Oh, no…no.” She corrected. “We just know, she doesn’t like fanfare, the media, or bringing attention to the work that we do. She says it’s not for that. We do it because it needs to be done. That’s all.”
“Gotcha,” I replied with a twinge in my gut.
That’s why she was pissed because what looked like her new man, came in yelling to the rooftop about all that she and her club was doing, which was the complete opposite of what she was about.
I was a fucking idiot.
The woman escorted me to the President’s office, and when I walked in, Eva was on the phone. From what I gathered, she was talking with a police officer, named Diamond about someone named Geneva. It ended with her having to go to Arlington and possibly bringing Cut because there was some major shit going on down there.
Her eyes grew wide when she saw me enter. Around the room was a gavel mounted on the wall. A license with the name Phoenix Riders Motorcycle Club with the name Regina Roe Lewis. Then there was a recent
one with Lady Guardians National Chapter, and Eva Justice Wyatt was listed along with Xander Razor Willis’ signature. There were a few other trophies of races, derbies, and awards with the Lady Guardians proudly displayed on the walls of the President’s office. She had a small conference table on the side, and a big oak desk, she sat behind, giving me the eye. The evil one, but kept talking on the phone. It sounded like another club in Arlington was having problems. Eva was in President’s mode, which garnered no talk back or argument. It wasn’t a bad conversation, but you could tell, she was being clear about what she wanted, listened to what the other person had to say and gave directions on the next steps.
When she was off the phone, she put the receiver down, turned her attention to me and asked, “What are you doing here and how did you get in?”
“That’s no way to talk to your date,” I replied with a teasing smirk. “We had an appointment and I’m here to collect.”
“No,” she clarified. “You made an appointment with yourself and without my consent. There will be no collection.”
“Come over here and say that, Madam President,” I teased her, since I was seconds from jumping over the table.
Instead of taking the bait, she called, “Brooklyn!”
A few seconds later, the woman who answered the door popped her head in and she said, “Pres?”
“Get Goldie and escort Mr. Hunt out of here. He’s not allowed on our premises and I made that crystal clear the last time he tried to gain access. Why in the fuck he…”?
Holy shit.
“Hold on…wait one fucking minute…” I held up a hand toward Eva. “That’s my fault, not hers. Wait…”
I went to close the door on the woman she called Brooklyn.
“Give us one second,” I whispered and locked it behind me.
Then I quickly made my way around the desk.
“Don’t go yelling at her because I misled her. Yell at me. Take your frustrations out on me, okay.” At this point, I was less than a foot away from her, as she watched me.
“Alaric, I know your spoiled ass is used to getting what he wants, but I’m not on the menu. As a matter of fact, I …”
“I’m sorry,” I interrupted her.
“W-what?” she answered.
“I apologize for the other day.” I blurted. “Brooklyn told me that you don’t like a lot of fanfare and I came in like a bumbling idiot, loud, waving the media around and embarrassing you. I, uh, uh, I’m not used to women like that and I misjudged. It makes sense that you were pissed because it’s not just you, but you’re the leader of a club and I had no intentions of making you look like a fool or hypocrite in front of them.”
My head turned, so I could look at her certificate stating that she was their president and the charter was under her power.
“In some ways, maybe it was to impress you. Fuck, even the pro-bono project, I wanted to get closer but show you what I could do for you too. I’m a fucking idiot, Eva. Don’t take that shit out on her, when it’s my fault. Okay?”
Damn fool had to be written on my forehead, the more I realized, this woman was not like every woman. She had major responsibilities and I and my fancy suits were not what she was looking for. No matter how much I wanted her.
Eva was staring at me, but in a weird way. It didn’t register as anger or even exasperation, which is usually the emotion that I invoke in her. For some reason, I turned to leave without saying a word. The woman had been more than clear with me about where she stood. I was the dense one in this equation. My fingers wrapped around the doorknob and I was pulled it open when I heard my name.
“Alaric,” she called, causing me to stop, but keep my back towards her.
“I like seafood,” she said, causing me to turn around in shock.
“So do I,” I replied. “Would you accompany me to dinner?”
My heart was racing one hundred miles per hour at what I thought she was insinuating.
“Yes, I’d love to get some dinner. I haven’t eaten.” This came from Eva and I knew the smile on my face had to have spread wider.
She grabbed her purse and walked towards me, as I held the door open. Once the two of us walked through, we stopped abruptly to see two women, Brooklyn and Goldie, standing in front of us. However, Goldie had a hunting knife drawn in her hands, glaring at me.
“Holy shit,” I hissed before jumping in front of Eva and pushing her behind me.
“Goldie, stand down,” Eva told the menacing woman. “I’m fine.”
“Brooklyn said you had some trouble,” she replied and did not stand down. “Cause I will slice his ass from his dick to his jugular if you need me to.”
“So will I,” Eva pushed me to the side, so she could see Goldie. “I got this.”
“Y’all together or what?” Goldie pushed, while putting the knife away.
“Goldie…” Eva sang.
“Pres, I just need to know if I need to cut his ass or not.” She raised her hands in mock innocence.
“Don’t worry. I’ll let you know when you can cut him.” Eva smiled and waved me on.
“You do know, I’m not scared of you,” I told Goldie, as Brooklyn laughed at our exchange.
“You do know, if you fuck her over, I won’t have one fuck to give when I gut your ass,” she answered just as sweetly and waltzed off.
Well, it was more of a sashay.
“How crazy is she?” I asked Eva as we left the compound.
“Let’s just say, her rap sheet is longer than my resume and yours, put together.” She laughed. “She’s crazy for us, though.”
Fuck me.
“Well, how crazy are you?” I asked in mock seriousness.
“Let’s just say, I’ve done enough shit that if I did have a rap sheet it would be about the same as Goldie’s.” Then the fucking woman shrugged her shoulders and let us out of the compound.
Oh great.
This man was driving me crazy and the irrational part about it was that, all seemed to agree that not only did I need to get laid, but I needed to let that man at least try to curl my toes. I wasn’t in agreement with what they were saying but he was wearing me out, with his persistence alone. Plus, I was hungry and hadn’t had sex in years. It was long overdue. His speech was a nicer touch, because he was right. I felt undermined.
“I’ll meet you there,” I told him as I went to pull away from him and head towards my bike.
A noise that sounded very much like a scoff was released from Alaric, which had me turning around.
“Oh, fuck no,” he huffed. “We go together.”
I laughed out loud and waved him over.
“Come on, jump on.” I said in a casual manner that made the usually cocky man, guffaw.
“I’m not riding bitch,” he exclaimed.
This had me falling over laughing and hitting my thigh.
“Aww, what’s wrong with riding bitch?” I could barely get it out from laughing so hard. “’Fraid, I might rock your world, Mr. Toe Curler.”
Alaric extended his hand towards his car and hit the alarm. The car unlocked, windows rolled down and music began to play.
“Not afraid of anything, sweetheart.” He nodded towards his vehicle. “Now, get your ass in the car. We’ll see who’ll rock who later.”
I shrugged my shoulders and got in. The man talked a lot of shit. I was praying that he could come through on at least one of those items.
We rode to the restaurant in what felt like minutes as we discussed his not riding bitch. He shared that he actually enjoyed riding, but never really had a reason to buy a motorcycle. He would ride with his cousin in Lancaster, where he had more land to just do a free run. He seemed to know more about the biker world than I would expect a district attorney to know, but the more I talked to him, the more he surprised me. There was a sensitive or understanding of him that was usually not present with other lawyers. He seemed to be able to speak to a variety of topics with expertise that
went beyond the surface level.
“So, tell me about you. Alaric Hunt, not the D.A., but the man.” I challenged.
“Well, I’m an only child. I think we have that in common. Wait, do you want my resume or me? Me, now?”
He was watching me, as if this answer mattered.
“I’ve read your resume, Alaric. I’m interested in the man.” I replied with a challenging eyebrow lift.
“Fair,” he replied. “Me now. Well, in full honesty. I’m not where I want to be but working to get there. I own my home, work sixty hours a week, I try to play as hard as I work because that’s just fucked if you don’t. I want to be a good district attorney, then move on or up, one day. Settling down is in my future, so are kids. I’m not sure if that life will include Reading, as I think I’d rather them grow up in a more rural area. I’m single. Last girlfriend was about five years ago. She didn’t like my hours, and I didn’t like her attitude. Mom and Dad live in Lancaster, where I grew up. Oh, I used to play football in college.”
My head nodded as I listened with admiration.
“Five years, huh?” I smirked at him.
“I said, single, not celibate.” He returned my expression. “You?”
“Six years since a relationship. Single, not celibate.” I answered before he could ask for his benefit.
The waiter brought our orders over, causing us to pause our conversations for a minute. I resumed to give him the low down about me and slowly, his fork made its way to my plate. In return, I ate some of his food, falling into an easy sharing with our meals and life stories.
By the time it was time to leave, I asked him, “So, are you taking me to work tomorrow morning?”
“I was thinking you might need to call out,” He said with a glint in his eye, nearly causing me to choke.
“You talk a lot of shit, counselor.” I nodded towards the car. “Lead the way.”
Instead of him doing what I told him, he swung, swatting me on my ass before putting both of his hands on my shoulders and nudging me to towards the car as he guided me.
We arrived at a house, that was entirely too big for him in a cul-de-sac. It was humongous and probably had no less than five rooms.