Just Dream (Legion of Guardians Book 4) Read online

Page 5

  “Nothing, Bear,” she answered.

  “You want me under your spell?” I asked. “Want me eating out of your hand? Chasing you around like your lap dog?”

  Dessy turned her head to the side, grabbed my ears and said, “That’s what you have me doing already, Bear. I’m completely under your spell. I’ve eaten out of your hand and crawled around to chase you. So, no.”

  Fuck me.

  “Dessy…” I started but she interrupted me.

  “Shh, Bear. Stop over analyzing this and eat a goddamn cookie.” She put a cookie in my mouth and just when I was about to turn her ass over to tan it, the hit from the cookie reached my taste buds and I forgot what she did.

  “Oh, that’s fucking good,” I growled as she put another one in my mouth.

  “It is my mom’s recipe.” She smiled.

  “Damn, woman. I’m going to have to go to the gym every day now.”

  “I won’t complain. I get to see more of you.”

  “You won’t have to worry about that.”

  At all.


  I Hear You


  Things had been going absolutely great with Bear and I. Almost every night this past week, he was at my place or I was at his. We saw each other and fucked the hell out of one another. Well, I tried to fuck him a few times but the man wasn’t having that shit. It was true what they said about him, he was big and hairy, just the way I liked. My hands stayed roaming through his fine chest hairs. That beard had caused an orgasm or two and that mustache definitely made my panties wet on more than a few occasions.

  He didn’t know why I targeted him because I didn’t want him to think I was crazy. My mom called it a gift and I always tried to view it as one but sometimes it felt like a curse. I knew Bear wouldn’t understand but that was the only reason I wouldn’t tell him. Only a few people knew about it, including Shay and Jeb, my last boyfriend. This was how he knew Haz had turned on him and started to hunt both of us. We didn’t have to worry about that anymore because Apollo killed Haz when he tried to attack Shay and Bronx. Shay had shot him a couple of times too because he had a gun on her man. She was my blood cousin, but I would be the first to admit, she was badass for real. I remember Bear told me I could learn a few tricks from her and he was right; like sticking up for yourself, speaking your mind, and not taking shit from anybody.

  That was Shay.

  Shit, she even tried to tackle Bronx when he pissed her off. He loved that shit. I swear that was some foreplay before they actually hooked up. He tempered her crazy and that was how they worked. Kylie was another one that could be off the damn chains. Razor tempered her too. Lori, admittedly was crazy for Apollo but he matched her crazy and those two were inseparable. That was them; I could only tell my story and that included Bear.

  It was Sunday evening and one of those nights that he and I had a nice dinner, talked about random but serious shit and I cuddled into him. As I was drifting to sleep, he told me, “My sister is moving in with me.”

  Well, that woke me right the hell up.

  “O-kay,” I said.

  “Just so you know. We may not see each other every night like this week with her being in town. It’s just until she gets on her feet.” He tried to keep my head from raising to look at him.

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked, a little irritated.

  “What I said. These overnights won’t happen as often and when they do, I’ll probably be over here.”

  This did not sit right with me at all. I knew how I felt was written all over my face and it was a good thing, he was keeping my face buried in his chest.

  I didn’t say anything else because it was guaranteed to be a smart-ass comment. That would lead to a spanking, which would end in him getting me off. While that would have been great, I sort of wanted to be mad because this wasn’t right.

  “You with me?” he asked.

  “I hear you.”

  I eventually fell asleep and when I woke, the smell of bacon and coffee filled the house. Bear wasn’t in bed so that meant, he was the one doing the cooking.

  Holy shit.

  He’d hadn’t cooked yet and I didn’t even know if he knew how.

  I freshened up and came downstairs to find Bear standing over the stove flipping pancakes over the griddle.

  Well, I’ll be damned.

  “Morning,” I called.

  He turned, waved his finger to me which meant come to him. I did and he pulled me up on my toes, kissed me and whispered, “Morning,” against my lips.

  Someone was in a good mood.

  This was never the case because Bear was exactly like a grouchy bear. He didn’t do happy and when he did laugh, I always tried to note what it was about so I could get him to do it again. I loved when he laughed.

  Once the food was ready, he made my plate and this time he fed me again. I was on his lap and after each fork full of pancakes, eggs or bacon he gave me, he ate as well. When we were done, he pushed the plate to the side and said, “I know what I said last night didn’t bode well with you.”

  I remained silent.

  “She’s my sister and she’s lonely. You and I are new, so there’s nothing wrong with going slower than we have been.” He rubbed on my belly. “Right?”

  He wanted me to answer him.

  “Wrong.” His eyebrows went up. “I don’t want to go slow, Bear. This past week has been the best time I’ve had in my life. They’ve been with you and I don’t like this new arrangement because I’ve waited almost two years for us to get started.”

  I didn’t say anything else but if he wanted my opinion, I would give it.

  Bear nodded his head, then he said, “Noted.”

  Nothing else was said, but he acknowledged my words, so I would leave it there.

  I’m certain my enthusiasm had dropped because around noon, Bear said he was leaving and he’d give me a call. Something told me not to wait on that call, but I tried to be positive. I tried to look at it from his perspective and then the words Shay and Kylie said to me, kept running through my head. “When a man is into you, he’ll move heaven and earth for you.”

  Yup, I wanted Bear to move heaven and earth or at least try.

  On Monday afternoon, Bear called me around three and asked if I could have dinner with him the next night because his sister wanted to meet me. On some level, I was flattered to be a fixture in his life, to even meet his sister but on the other hand, I was a little peeved because why didn’t he want me to meet the sister. Why did she have to initiate the gathering?

  I wasn’t supposed to bring anything but myself, but I still bought a bottle of wine as I did want to make a good impression. Shay thought I should have brought dessert, so if I didn’t like what was going down, I could keep the dessert and have her and Bronx over for dinner.


  I wished I would have listened to her.

  “Ahh, so you’re Betsy. What is that short for Bethany?” The tall and fairly large woman, who looked like Bear without the mustache and beard, asked.

  This was how I was greeted at the door with Bear in tow behind her.

  “It’s Dessy, Carol. I told you that five seconds ago,” Bear barked.

  “Okay, okay. A woman of my age is allowed to forget.” She gave her brother the side eye. “Speaking of age, how old are you suga? Bear told me you were younger, but my God, not that he was robbing the cradle.”

  Oh shit.

  “I’m twenty-nine,” I replied.

  “Well, I guess not robbing the cradle, just getting them when they are wet behind the ears then.”

  I could tell, this was going to be a lovely dinner. Bear raised his eyebrows as I walked to him and kissed him full on the mouth. He fell in because he was squeezing my ass and causing my dress to rise.

  “Bear, don’t maul her at the door. Damn. Wait until she shares the wine,” Carol commented.

  “Fuck off,” he snapped and squeezed my ass again.

  I stood on
my toes and whispered in his ear, “We missed you.”

  Carol nabbed the bottle out of my hand, which was fine, because I wanted only Bear to hear me.

  “Who’s we?” he asked.

  “Every part of my body.” I licked my lips. “My nipples, neck, and my wet kitty.”

  “You’re fucking with me, huh?” He nodded. “Want me to spank your ass, don’t you?”

  “Well, the way your schedule is, you can’t.” I patted him on the chest and said, “Maybe when you find time, you can tend to your other duties. We wouldn’t want them to feel neglected.”

  I left that out there and followed Carol inside but not before I heard him murmur, “Fuck me.”

  Dinner could be boiled down to Carol asking me all types of personal questions including, why I wanted to be with an older man? A white man? A biker? Where I was from? What my religious beliefs were? My favorite color? My birthdate? Why I moved to Manor? And what I felt about the health care system in America. Hillary or Trump?

  It was the most bizarre sibling interview I had ever heard of in my short years of living. With answers she approved of, she nodded and with answers she didn’t, she frowned. Bear would chime in and tell her to pipe down but besides that, he didn’t say much. Bear tried to talk up the facts that I worked two jobs and was doing pretty good for myself, but Carol had her own agenda. I could tell.

  I could also tell, it was not in my favor.

  When Bear went to clear the dishes, and retrieve dessert, it was our first time alone, so I started off by saying, “It’s so nice to meet you?”

  “Cut the act, sweetie. I know you’re here for a reason and I plan to find out why. You won’t get his money if I have anything to do with it. So, you should just go ahead, throw your deck in because I will win this round.”

  “Excuse me?” I exclaimed. “What are you talking about?”

  “You know damn well what I’m talking about. You won’t use my brother for whatever scam you’re trying to pull. I’ll see to that.”

  “I’m not trying to …”

  “Here’s dessert.” Bear interrupted our hushed conversation.

  “Ohh,” Carol whined. “My head is throbbing, so I’m going to need some rest right now. Can you walk me up?”

  “Sure thing.” He placed the cake pan on the table and said, "I'll be back."

  Thirty minutes later, he came downstairs and looked at me before he said, "Seems you made an impression on my sister."

  "Really, what'd she say?" I asked.

  "Oh, some shit about how she’s excited to get to know you better."

  "Ahh, I see."

  I debated on whether I should tell him what she said or just leave It alone. I went with the latter because one week did not constitute that he'd devote his undying loyalty to me over his blood sister.

  "Well, I should be going." I nodded towards him.

  "Dessy?" Bear's bushy eyebrows raised. "You want to leave? She's in bed and out for the night."

  "Yeah, I'm a little tired myself." I yawned and it wasn't fake. "Just trying to get some things in order."

  He stared at me for a bit, then he pulled me into his body.

  "Are you sure?" he asked quietly.

  "I'm sure. Enjoy the visit with your sister." I said, "Everybody doesn't have one of those."

  My lips touched his hairy cheek and I left with Bear standing there looking after me. When I got in, I texted him to let him know I was home safe and then I went to bed.

  Well, I tried to but Carol's words kept ringing in my ear. It was bad enough I had to fight with Bear's insecurities, now his sisters. I didn't want to compete with that at all.

  "So, let me get this straight," Kylie repeated. "Bear's sister basically said she was going to end the relationship?"

  "Yes," I answered for the fifth time.

  "And you don't want me to tell Shay." Her eyebrow raised.

  "No," I answered again. "She'll lose it on the lady and plus, I need to fight my own battles, right?"

  "Hmm, right." Kylie nodded again. "Okay, Dessy. You have two weeks."

  "Wait, what?" I exclaimed.

  "You have two weeks to either handle your business with his sister or I'm telling Shay."

  "Kylie, that wasn't the deal," I whined.

  "Yeah, but shit like this, others need to know. This could be much bigger than you. Believe me, I've learned that the hard way."

  "Fine," I sighed. "Just fine."

  I got up from the back room to get ready to go on shift. Kylie and I had grown a lot closer since we worked together on the night shift at Peppers. She was best-friends with Shay, so she had to be cool.

  After I set up my counter just the way I liked, I lifted my head to see none other than Bear staring at me.

  "You having second thoughts?" He did not greet me.


  "Us," he said as if it was forced from him.

  "No!" I exclaimed. "Are you?"

  "Fuck, no."

  "Then act like it." I swept the rag across the counter. "If I had a brother or sister and they needed to stay at my house, do you know who would be staying in my house too? You. You know who would keep my attention? You. You know who wouldn’t get played second fiddle? You. My family had or has a life before and they will after me. Who do I still want in my life? You."

  "You're still mad about our reduced sleepovers?" he asked.

  I sighed, threw my rag on the counter and hissed, "It's not about the fucking sleepovers."

  Then I turned and left. I was pissed, he was antsy and that was a bad combination for a heated conversation.

  "Fuck," he hissed.

  When I returned, he was no longer at the bar, but a lot of patrons were. Bear remained there for most of the night, then he left but with instructions for me to text him when I got home.

  I almost said, "Fuck Bear."


  I did text him when I got home and he texted me right back.

  Me: I’m home.

  Bear: Why are you mad?

  Me: I'm not.

  Bear: What was that shit earlier

  Me: Nothing

  Bear: No games little girl

  Me: I told you. I put you first Bear.

  Bear: You want me to do the same

  Me: Yes

  Bear: We've been fucking, what – a couple of weeks

  Bear: You want me to keep fucking you with my sis here

  Bear: I need to take care of my family

  Bear: You said you were ready. You take care of me

  Bear: On my terms

  Bear: You must have forgot

  Bear: You there?

  Me: Yes

  Bear: You forgot

  Me: No

  Bear: Okay then

  Bear: Open the front door

  Me: What?

  The doorbell rang and it hit me that he wanted me to open the front door because he was here. I put my phone down and raced to open it.

  Bear walked in and said, "I need a key to your place."

  I nodded my head.

  "On your knees."

  I dropped to the floor in front of him. "Don't make a single noise, okay?"

  I nodded, as Bear unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants and dropped his jeans and boxers. He stroked his large, thick cock right in front of me.

  "Hands behind your back and all I want you to do is lick my balls. Put them in your mouth, suck on them, but you don't make a sound. Got it."

  I nodded my head again as I crawled to him and started to use my tongue to lick his sac. He backed away, causing me to crawl further and suck on another ball sac. He kept moving and after a while, he let his heavy cock fall on my face. It took everything in me not to moan as my clit throbbed with anticipation of him rocking me to sleep.

  "You're a naughty little girl, aren't you?" he said. "Should I fuck naughty girls?"

  I nodded my head.

  Oh God, please.

  "I don’t know." He teased me by moving his cock around hovering over m
y face. "Balls."

  My mouth tried to gather one sac in my mouth but that didn't happen quite like I imagined it. His ball sac was huge just like his big dick. He kept stroking it as I kissed my way around his balls, kissing, massaging them with my lips.

  "Stand up."

  I stood and he instructed, "Get your ass to the bedroom and wait with no clothes on."

  My feet started to move before I could realize what he said. I sat waiting for ten minutes and when he showed up, he had on boxers. When Bear reached my bed, he pulled down his boxers, laid on the bed and said, "Ride me, naughty girl. Let's see those skills."

  Oh fuck.

  I climbed on Bear's monstrosity of a cock and slowly slide down on him. He slapped my ass and growled, "I said ride it."

  Pressing both of my hands on his chest, I lifted my ass and started to shake it all around on him. Up and down, left and right, round and round.

  "Oh, darling," Bear murmured. "Holy fuck."

  Once I did the skill drill on him, he damn near lost his mind. That was the rapid bouncing of my ass on his hard cock without stopping for minutes at a time.

  "Bounce it, darling," Bear kept chanting. "Oh, bounce that ass."

  Ah, he liked that.

  A lot.

  "I'm cumming," he whispered. "Where you want it?"

  I leaned down so I could be in his ear and bounced harder, when I replied, "Wherever you want it, daddy."

  Bear slapped my ass hard twice before he grabbed it and pressed into me as he exploded with his face in between my breasts.

  "Fucking girl," he whispered. "Going to be the death of me."

  I kissed his forehead and countered, "Or the life."

  He stilled and held onto me until he passed out on the bed.

  The next morning, Bear was up and ready to leave when I opened my eyes.

  "No breakfast?" I groggily asked.

  "Got to run, sweetheart," Bear answered, when he leaned down on the bed. "But I'll call or text you later, okay?"

  I nodded as he kissed my forehead.

  "Thanks," I called as he was about to leave my room.

  Bear turned and said, "For what?"

  "For coming over last night. We missed that." I smiled.

  He laughed and said, "That's right. Your wet kitty and friends."