Justice_Lady Guardians Read online

Page 4

“Look, Alaric. I’m not sure who…” I started, but he cut me off.

  “I’m Alaric Hunt, the District Attorney for the city of Reading. First son of Mildred and Michael Hunt. Brother of one, husband of none. More importantly, I’m a man, attempting to bypass all the loops this Lady Guardian throws at me, so I can take her out on a damn date. So, tomorrow at seven. I’ll pick you up from work.” He declared.

  It was no longer a question and not even a suggestion. He spoke with authority as if it was already so.

  “Fine,” my mouth whispered into the receiver of the phone. “Seven.”

  “Thank you,” he said on an exhale. “See you then.”

  The line went dead and so just like that, my watch ended.

  The Date


  The woman was tall, confident and very sexy. I was struggling with my manhood, to keep him down, less he caused attention. It was hard to maintain my composure when I was this close to her. Honestly, that’s why I chose the small, rinky-dink location. It had great food, plus it was tight, and that meant her knees would touch mine, even in a private booth.

  “This is quaint,” she eyed me with a knowing smirk as he leg withdrew after touching mine.

  The foods great,” I refused to comment on what I knew the lawyer in her was calculating.

  Eva’s head followed a plate of sizzling food, then she looked back at me and nodded with another approving smirk. This caused me to laugh out loud because she would be a shit poker player. How she felt was written all over her face.

  “How are you a lawyer?” I asked, while still chuckling. “You don’t have an ounce of a poker face.”

  At first, she blanched, but then a smile formed, and I swear, my heart stopped. Maybe for a sneeze-size portion of how much it’s supposed to cease beating. Eva had never smiled in front of me. Actually, this was the first time I’d seen the radiant action posted on the beautiful woman’s face.

  “What?” She sobered after noticing me staring at her. “Is there lettuce in my teeth?”

  “No,” I stiffened. “You’re fucking beautiful and that smile…”

  Yeah, Laura’s words came back to me.


  Now, I was smitten.

  The blush on her mocha skin was present even though it was subtle. I affected her, which made her involuntary response so damn intriguing. I wanted to do more than making her blush.

  “T-thanks,” she replied and cleared her throat.

  Looking over the menu, we ordered our food and engaged in weather, lawyer, and foreign policy small talk. Soon, I found myself reaching across the table to grab two of her fingers. Eva’s eyes flew to our connected hands and then my eyes.

  “Why are you fighting this?” I asked before I knew those words would spill out.

  “I’m not sure that I like you.” She answered simply.

  Yup, no poker face and she meant every word. The woman was not playing hard to get, or even the chase me game. She really didn’t know about me, which made me more determined to fill in the gaps.

  “I know for certain, that I like you,” I replied.

  Her gaze remained on mine until the waitress came to our table with our main entrées.

  “Enjoy,” the short woman called over her shoulder after placing our food in front of us.

  The moment had been broken, but I also wanted to be clear with Eva.

  “You don’t know if you like me, but I really like you. How about you give me a chance to show you how much?” I asked.

  Her head began to shake even before I could finish.

  “You’re too heavy-handed,” Eva informed me while picking up her fork. “You’re what, an alpha? Used to manipulating and having things go your way. You’re definitely ambitious and well-accomplished. But arrogance is clothed with that three-thousand-dollar suit, along with this need to control. I’m really not that interested no matter how you look.”

  The fucking woman slid her fork into the corner of the blackened salmon and had the nerve to hum while chewing on the delicious seafood.

  “Okay, Counselor,” I noted. “You forgot some facts. Which I feel compelled to share with the court that seems to have already judged me. Fact number one. I work my ass off. Always have and always will. So, whether it’s the three-thousand-dollar suit I have on now or the thirty-thousand-dollar one, I was going to wear to this date, I earned every fucking bit of it. Fact two. Things go my way for a reason. When I want something, I get it. I am not into thrill-seeking bullshit. I am mature, accomplished like you said, but I am also sober-minded and not easily swayed. I invest in quality and less interested in quantity. I have something that’s worth something, I don’t give it up, ever. I do whatever it takes to get and keep it. Fact number three. You call it confidence and arrogance, but I like to call it, me. I’m good at what I do because I’ve set out to be. As good as I am a lawyer and District Attorney, is good as I am in bed. I fuck hard and will make every toe you have curl with orgasms after orgasms. That’s not arrogant, sweetheart, that’s the fucking truth.”

  It was a good thing, Eva hadn’t picked that time to drink her wine, because it would have been all over me. Instead, she started choking on the remaining pieces of salmon. In an effort to assist, I moved her water with lemon closer to her before taking a bite out of my stuffed clams.

  Once Eva gathered herself, she looked at me with wide eyes, but I kept eating.

  “Eat up,” I instructed after my second bite of food, and she still hadn’t put the fork down.

  “Excuse me,” she placed both the fork and cloth napkin on the table, grabbed her purse and got up to leave. My first thought was that she’d bail, but she didn’t seem like a runner. This woman didn’t avoid conflict, she would simply forge through. Therefore, I kept eating until she returned, which she did in the normal amount of allotted bathroom time.

  “Gathered yourself?” I asked.

  “Yes, I did.” She eyed me with a knowing look, but took a seat and continued to eat. At first, I thought, she’d just try to ignore me, but soon her fork, boldly stabbed at something on my plate and she quickly popped the vegetable in her mouth.

  “Asparagus is good,” she said after chewing.

  I wanted to smile but decided to eat some of her salmon instead.

  “Anyone ever tell you not to eat out of other people’s food?” I asked her.

  “Are you lecturing me on table etiquette and manners at the table?” She scoffed and nabbed a whole clam from my plate. “I know I was told not to talk, sing, hum or bring up inappropriate topics at the dinner table. You, sir, just blew that out the water.”

  This did make me tilt one side of my mouth up, in a slight smile, but then I followed up with, “Something tells me, you’re not concerned about the inappropriateness, more than how it made your panties wet.”

  Her eyes snapped to mine, then she quickly regrouped.

  “Alaric,” she looked at me with a renewed confidence. “Please don’t make assumptions about what turns me on. I think you’ll be disappointed.”


  Now that was a challenge.

  “Dirty talk doesn’t do it, huh?” I mused. “Wonder what it is. Seems you’ve just put down the gauntlet.”

  Eva’s head shook as she hummed, “No, no. That’s not what that was.”

  “Mmkay,” I narrowed my eyes on her and leaned forward. “Lawyer by day. Lady biker by night. An impressive record of wins, looking for pro bono work, with your initiatives. Leads a bunch of women around on bikes to do work that is both noble and very humanitarian. The entire mission of the organization is surrounded around giving back and protecting people. You’re feisty, sexy and strong-willed. Then….” I let it hang. “Who takes care of you, if you’re taking care of so many people? Representing them, but what about your interest? Who has your back, emotionally? Who makes your toes curl?”

  Mid-way through my musings, her face grew pensive. She was actually thinking about the answers to those questions because as I assumed
, there was probably no answer for most of them. Or the answer was nobody.

  Instead of answering, she turned it around and asked, “Who takes care of you, Alaric?”

  I scoffed at the boomerang question and answered her truthfully, “No one.”

  “Well, same for me.” She nodded as though we finally agreed on something.

  “Mmkay, let me sign up to fill the position, then,” I answered a little too quickly.

  Her head started shaking in the negative, but I cut her off and finished. “I’m currently accepting applications but only to the President of the Lady Guardians.”

  Unfortunately, she had drunk the wine, which spilled out of her mouth and nose as she burst out laughing, spraying the table, her and I, with the red libations.

  “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry.” Eva was still laughing and trying to clean up the mess. I was out of my seat, wiping me down and then patting her dry as the red beverage was everywhere.

  It was an innocent touch, but when my fingers ran across her blouse and brushed the steel beads underneath, my body grew tight. Eva’s body responded too, by going still and her eyes flew to mine.

  Yup, she was caught.

  “Piercings, huh?” I whispered, so low, I barely heard it myself.

  Eva looked as if she was attempting to catch her breath, but just like the feisty woman she is. The Lady Guardian’s President composed herself, and answered with a nod, “Yes.”

  “Sexy and hot,” I said as I dipped lower, so my mouth was touching her ear.

  “You really don’t have issues with invading people’s personal space, huh?” She asked me, in a breathy huff.

  The close proximity that we were in was doing things to my brain. The two of us were in a public place and nearly on the verge of kissing because one tilt of my head and our lips would be locked. She smelled of tangy citrus, that could possibly be her shampoo.

  “Aww,” someone in the distance said. “Y’all make a cute couple.”

  This broke whatever bubble we were in because Eva stepped away from me and sat back down as I swiveled my head around, to see the teenybopper who made a comment.

  She had on blue braces with light brown freckles that were splattered around her cheeks.

  I think she took a picture of us, but I couldn’t be sure. Her parents had to be around somewhere. Just as the thought passed, a balding man popped up from around the table and called, “Sara, what are you doing? Stranger, danger.”

  “Oh dad, stop. I’m eleven already.” She rolled her eyes to the heavens and back.

  The frantic man, sobered, then looked to me. I smiled at him and said, “No problem. She was just admiring my lady and me here.” I waved a hand towards Eva, who was watching the entire interaction with a renewed interest.

  “They’re cute, right Dad. It’s like you and Sharon. She’s black, and you’re white. I think they’re cute.” The pre-teen went on. “She’s really pretty.”

  The father looked to Eva and gave a wide-tooth smile and then nodded. “Yeah, honey. She’s cute.”

  One of my eyebrows rose, in response. This move quickly had the stranger, gathering his daughter as he said, “Let’s let the couple continue their date.”

  “Mmkay.” She conceded, and the man nodded at us.

  I returned to the table and Eva continued to eat from my plate as we had a light conversation about our jobs. I nearly ate the other half of her salmon, and we split the dessert since the chocolate fudge brownie with ice cream, walnuts, and whipped cream was too much for both of us and did not fit into our diets. Yes, this was the best choice.

  At the end of the date, I walked Eva to the front of the restaurant and offered again to take her home. She insisted that she would call an Uber or Lyft. The next time I offered this, I moved into her space and whispered, “let me take you home.”

  Her hardened nipples were moving up and down my chest, as she continued to breathe. It was heavy and wanting, just like mine.

  “Alaric, if we do this. It’s for the night only. I have to work with you, now that you’ve started this thing and I’m not trying to fuck where I work. So…I’ll get the Uber or have one of my girls get me.” She plainly told me.

  Fuck me.

  I backed up a few inches and looked at her. I know the intensity of my stare could be heavy but I was bursting at the seams with my cock hard as steel, and it only wanted one thing.


  “Is this your way to get me out of your office?” I asked her. “You think a fuck will get me to leave from working side by side with you?”

  Her eyebrow rose, this time, then she said, “Nope. I’m just saying, I don’t fuck where I work. Don’t shit where you eat, remember.” She was very matter-of-factly about those statements, which meant, this nut was going to be hard to crack.

  The corners of my mouth tilted down, and I nodded my head in acknowledgment of what she was throwing.

  “Counselor, your initial statement has been heard. The verdict is not in yet, so until tomorrow.”

  My body moved back into hers, where I leaned in to take those lips in a kiss. My tongues tangled with hers and it wasn’t until she tugged on my hair, that I realized it was not just me doing the kissing. Those fingers pulled as I pressed my hard cock into her center. I needed her to feel how much she was doing to me, then I started to move up and down, so those sensitive, pierced nipples would be stimulated. The dirty talk didn’t get her turned on, but those fucking hard buds did.

  Her cell phone rang, causing me to jerk from the trance we were in, on the public street.

  “Fuck,” she muttered, as she pulled back and looked at the phone.

  “My ride is here,” she nodded out of breath. “Uh, thanks for the dinner. It was delicious.”

  My head tilted, right before I said, “So are you.”

  The woman smirked and made her way to the Toyota Sedan with the blue Uber sign lit up on his dashboard. She didn’t look back. This wouldn’t be easy, but she didn’t know me to know, she just made herself, my number one priority.

  Not only do I get what I want, but I play for keeps.



  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  What the hell is wrong with me? How could I let him kiss me like that? Affect me like that? It was like he knew exactly what to do, what to say, how to look and dammit, where to touch. It was like a moth to a flame, and I was not the one for all that bullshit.

  The ladies called me iron clad because I would shut a man down and I mean down. They just did not affect me how they used to when I was young. Maybe because I was pushing forty or just had enough shit with exes. It could be because I chose my career and club over a stupid man with their wily ways and indecisive minds.

  Alaric seemed to blow my streak completely out of the water. Wet panties were an understatement. I was aroused. Completely. There was nothing to keep him from making my toes curl, especially since they had never even tempted to stretch before when having sex before. The fact that I had never had an orgasm, in life, was not lost on me. Well, that was unfortunate, but that was what I subscribed to at this point. Until, last night’s date.

  The thought was alluring. Could Alaric make me come? Make my toes curl? He said it with such confidence, but many men before him had tried and failed. He would be no different.

  I laid in the bed, almost restless with the frustration of not being able to let Alaric and his words out of my mind. They rattled around there like an album that was set to shuffle, but still on repeat.

  * * *

  It was Saturday and that meant the girls and I were set to go to our adopted middle schools’ paint party. Trina, the principal, could not afford to have the school painted before the new year began, so she let me know, and we organized a community paint party. Enlisting other clubs was one way to get this done, since most of the MC’s we affiliated with had a community agenda in their bylaws. Razor and the Legion of Guardians were all about that empowerment. Oh, we didn’t invite Barbie Babes MC, beca
use they were just too messy.

  We started at nine and Cut was responsible for the food, since the Lady Guardians provided breakfast and lunch for anyone that came out. Rasha was the DJ, and Silva coordinated the entire project since she had once worked construction with her brother. His company provided the paint and even sent over a few painters. Silva kept her brother away from the ladies because she claimed he was a dog, though some of the ladies were coyotes and would eat a damn dog.


  Love ‘em and leave ‘em, was one way the women used to roll with under Roe. Fuck, Roe was notorious with that shit. She liked them young too. There was no love, just a good, quick fuck, keep him around for a summer or a short amount of time and leave. She claimed it would never work out anyway, but I always thought, that’s the way she wanted it.

  No attachments.

  Nothing permanent.

  Just a quickie and go about your way.

  Shit, I wasn’t one to talk. I was probably the same way, but it wasn’t a quickie. It was a fucking drought. The hassle of finding a quick fuck wasn’t really my style, even though men seemed to think that it was. I also wasn’t a relationship person, but that was neither here nor there.

  What I was, is a, mind my fucking business, type person and I appreciated people that did the same.

  Alaric did not do the same. This was evident because around ten o’clock, he rolled up in a black, BMW Five Series Convertible, rock music blasting, and the top down. Everybody that was outside, including teachers, community members, and other volunteers stopped everything they were doing to openly gape at him.

  “Hey, everybody,” he called. “Just wanted to come by and support.”

  The man was talking to no one, but everybody.

  “Eva, baby. Help me over here.” He waved me over. “I bought some supplies.”

  Mother fucker.

  Everybody turned to look at me, as I stood staring at him pulling shit out of the back seat.

  “Baby?” Cut whispered.

  “Shut the fuck up?” I growled.

  “Oh, Reading’s own District Attorney,” Trina piped up. “I can’t believe the Lady Guardians have that type of pull.”